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Right of withdrawal and return rules

The entire withdrawal procedure governed by the Consumer Code is divided into four phases:

a) Full pre-contractual information charge to the consumer regarding withdrawal. Before the consumer is bound by a distance contract, MUSETTI provides the consumer in a clear and understandable manner with the Standard Instructions on Withdrawal, containing the information, conditions, terms and procedures for exercising this right, the information that the consumer must bear the cost of returning the goods in the event of withdrawal and, finally, the delivery by MUSETTI to the CUSTOMER of the model letter for exercising the withdrawal (so-called standard form) which, if necessary, the latter can edit, integrate, print and send via registered mail: the instructions are made available to the CUSTOMER on the Site before the conclusion of the contract, via the "Right of Withdrawal" link and attached to the Order Registration Confirmation e-mail.

b) Exercise of the right of withdrawal In order for the CUSTOMER to benefit from the faculty attributed to him, he must inform MUSETTI of his decision to exercise the right of withdrawal from the contract before the expiry of the withdrawal period. To this end, the CUSTOMER can alternatively:

- submit any explicit declaration of your decision to withdraw from the contract indicating the order / invoice number, the description and the quantity of the returned products, in case of partial withdrawal, for which you intend to exercise the right of withdrawal , your address and your bank details to make the refund. The written notice of withdrawal referred to above must be sent to one of the following addresses and in the following ways: registered letter with return receipt addressed to Musetti Srl Via G. Marcora 2/4 - 29010 Pontenure (PC) or by e-mail customerservice @ or fax +39 0523692828.

MUSETTI is required, upon receipt of the communication, to confirm receipt without delay, providing the CUSTOMER with confirmation of receipt of the communication on a durable medium; -or use the TYPE OF WITHDRAWAL FORM referred to in Annex I, Part B of Legislative Decree 21/2014 (“Paper Withdrawal Form”) provided by MUSETTI, available at this link. and also attached to the "Order Registration Confirmation" e-mail. The duly completed Paper Withdrawal Form must be sent electronically to MUSETTI, before the expiry of the Withdrawal Period, to the address or fax number indicated on it. The CUSTOMER has exercised his right of withdrawal within the Withdrawal Period, if the Paper Withdrawal Form is sent by the same before the expiry of the Withdrawal Period: in this case, MUSETTI immediately communicates to the consumer the confirmation of receipt, on a durable medium, of the exercised withdrawal.

  • -Pursuant to articles 52 and ss. of the Consumer Code, legislative decree 06/09/2005 n. 206, the CUSTOMER as a consumer has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract of the Product without giving any reason and will receive a full refund of the expenses incurred (shipping costs included) without any increase.
  • -To exercise this right, the CUSTOMER must send a written communication WITHIN the term of 14 DAYS ("Withdrawal Period") starting from the date of receipt of the products.

In particular:

  • In the case of an order relating to a single Product, from the day on which the customer or a third party, other than the carrier and designated by the CUSTOMER, receives the Products;
  • In the case of multiple purchases made by the CUSTOMER with a single order and delivered separately, from the date of receipt of the last product;
  • In the case of an order relating to the delivery of a Product consisting of multiple lots or pieces, from the day on which the CUSTOMER or a third party, other than the carrier and designated by the CUSTOMER, receives the last lot or piece.

For further information on exercising the right of withdrawal, the MUSETTI Customer Service can be contacted: Toll-free number 800 298 911 Fax: +39 0523 692828 e-mail:

c) Reimbursement of the sale price Once the consumer has expressed the desire to return his purchase, MUSETTI is obliged to reimburse all payments received during the sale, excluding standard delivery costs. In order to fulfill the reimbursement obligation, a term not exceeding 14 days from the moment in which MUSETTI was informed by the CUSTOMER of the will to withdraw is envisaged: therefore, within this term MUSETTI must proceed with the re-credit of the sums in the same manner used by the consumer for the payment of the goods. The refunded amount will be net of delivery costs. MUSETTI may, however, withhold the reimbursement until the moment in which the goods have been received or until the consumer has demonstrated that he has returned the goods, depending on which situation occurs first and in any case with the limitations set out below.

d) Return The CUSTOMER has the obligation to return the goods received, without undue delay and within 14 days from the date on which he communicated his decision to exercise the right of withdrawal to Musetti. The products subject to this withdrawal must be sent by ordinary postal package to the address: Musetti Srl Via G. Marcora 2/4, 29010 Pontenure (PC) The costs for the return are charged to the consumer, unless there has been different agreement and provided that the consumer has been informed of these costs before the conclusion of the contract. For contracts concerning the sale of goods, the essential condition for exercising the right of withdrawal is the substantial integrity of the goods to be returned.

According to the law, the CUSTOMER is solely responsible for the decrease in value of the goods resulting from handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods themselves. The goods must be returned intact, in the original packaging, complete in all its parts and complete with the attached tax documentation.

In the event that the withdrawal has not been exercised in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation and, in particular, in the event that the Product is not intact in all its parts and / or accompanied by its accessories and / or elements that constitute it integral part (by way of example: damaged products, not packaged regularly or completely, packaged products sealed and opened by the CUSTOMER, or in which certain parts are missing or have been damaged, such as components, elements, accessories, packaging materials, boxes, documentation and / or other objects), it will not result in the termination of the contract and, consequently, will not give the right to a refund of the amount paid by the CUSTOMER for the Product. Musetti will notify the CUSTOMER by e-mail within 5 working days of receipt of the Product, rejecting the request for withdrawal. If the Product has already been received by Musetti, it will remain at the same available to the CUSTOMER for collection which must take place at the expense and under the responsibility of the CUSTOMER.

In the event that the Product for which the withdrawal was exercised has suffered a decrease in value resulting from the handling of the goods other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the products, the refund amount will be reduced. of an amount equal to this decrease in value. MUSETTI will notify the CUSTOMER, by e-mail, of the circumstance and the consequent reduced refund amount, within 5 working days of receipt of the Product, providing the same, in the event that the refund has already been paid, the bank details for the payment. of the amount owed by the CUSTOMER due to the decrease in value of the Product.

Legal Guarantee of Conformity

MUSETTI is always required, pursuant to the Consumer Code, to deliver to the consumer goods that comply with the sales contract.

In case of receipt of non-compliant or defective products or in case of damage during transport, the CUSTOMER has the right to restore the conformity of the product without charge by repairing or replacing the product and, alternatively, the other remedies provided for by the art. 130 of the Consumer Code. In accordance with the provisions of Title III, Part IV of Legislative Decree 206/2005 (so-called Consumer Code), MUSETTI guarantees that the products purchased on the Site are free of any lack of conformity existing at the time of delivery of the product and that it manifests itself within two years of such delivery.

The lack of conformity must be reported to MUSETTI, under penalty of forfeiture of the guarantee, within two months of its discovery. There is a lack of conformity when there is a significant limitation or reduction of the suitability for use of the product in accordance with art. 129 of the Consumer Code.

All defects resulting from negligent or improper use of the product are not covered by this warranty.

In order to take advantage of the Legal Guarantee, the defective product, if still covered by the guarantee, must be sent to the assistance center together with the purchase invoice and / or the DDT or other document that proves the date of the purchase and delivery of the goods. It is therefore advisable that the CUSTOMER, for the purpose of this proof, keep the purchase invoice, which Musetti sends him via e-mail in PDF format as well as the DDT or any other document that can certify the date of the purchase. and the delivery date.

In the event that a defective product purchased on the Site is still covered by a Legal Guarantee, the CUSTOMER must send a specific communication to MUSETTI. In the event of a defective or non-compliant product, MUSETTI will arrange, at its own expense, to organize the collection of the product, compatibly with the CUSTOMER's availability.

For any information in this regard, contact the Customer Service (toll-free number 800 298 911 or by writing an email to which will indicate which next steps the CUSTOMER will have to take. In the event that the repair or replacement is impossible or excessively burdensome or if the seller has not provided for the replacement or repair within a reasonable period, the consumer can request a reduction in the price or termination of the contract, which entails the return of the goods. and reimbursement of the price paid. However, if the defect is slight and it is not possible or excessively burdensome to carry out the remedies for repair or replacement, there is no right to terminate the contract. The seller is required to provide for the remedy (repair or replacement) requested by the consumer, but the seller can, however, offer the consumer different solutions to solve the problem. In this case, the consumer is free to accept the proposal received or to request one of the remedies expressly provided for by the Consumer Code.

Conventional Manufacturer's Warranty

For all products, other than food, sold by Musetti, in addition to the guarantee legally provided for lack of conformity, Musetti offers the CUSTOMER an additional guarantee, called "conventional guarantee", without any interference with the first: the Conventional Guarantee it is voluntary in nature and does not add to, replace, limit or prejudice or exclude the Legal Guarantee.

The CUSTOMER can only enforce this guarantee against the manufacturer. The duration, the extension, even territorial, the conditions and methods of use, the types of damage / defects covered and any limitations of the Conventional Warranty are indicated in the so-called warranty certificate contained in the product packaging.

If the purchased product has manufacturing defects and / or has been damaged during transport, the CUSTOMER may request its replacement within the mandatory term of 10 days from receipt, under penalty of forfeiture of the guarantee, by telegram, or e- mail to the following address MUSETTI , or telephone communication to the Customer Service at the number 800 298 911 .

The CUSTOMER is also required to return the defective or damaged product in its original packaging intact in all its parts. In case of replacement of the product, the shipping costs for the return are borne by MUSETTI. MUSETTI will then replace the product with an identical one or, in case of out of stock and after agreement with the CUSTOMER, with one of equivalent value. To use the warranty, the CUSTOMER must keep the invoice that can be printed by accessing the "My account" section: the conventional warranty has a duration of 24 months from the date of purchase.

After the 24-month period of this Conventional Manufacturer's Warranty, any repair and / or replacement of components will be charged to the Consumer.

Regarding the purchase of coffee machines , the following provisions are valid. The warranty has a duration of 24 months from the date of purchase and is extended to all mechanical and electrical parts. The warranty does not cover repairs caused by:

  • - failures caused by improper use or use not in accordance with the instructions
  • - failures caused by limescale or by non-periodic descaling
  • - failures caused by operation with a voltage other than that indicated
  • - failures caused by modifications made internally by unqualified personnel
  • - any damage due to transport without adequate packaging

Parts deemed to be defective will be replaced free of charge.

Transport costs are borne by the buyer.

Download the withdrawal form